Are you aware of who might be putting you or your business at risk? We will identify them before they can cause harm.
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Identify risk factors from various entities
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Holistic cyber protection on VIP
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Monitoring cyber threats
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Increase employee's awareness to reduce risks
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Increase employee's awareness to reduce risks
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Our behavioral analysis algorithm provides significant indication as the person’s risks potential. Data is gathered, analyzed, and categorized. A person's digital footprint is constructed according to relevant events and life categories. Recommendations are provided according to the person’s risk potential.


Data is gathered from hundreds of external inputs from the open web


Consumer’s digital footprint is constructed according to 21 life categories and events


Recommendations are provided according to the person’s risks potential.


Providing the necessary information to warn your client as to the person’s risk

Our Customers


Please fill out the form and send.

You will receive from us in a return email our analysis of the person’s profile.

The details you are sending us are used to run our demo, they are erased when the process is complete.

    Engagement Increase

    Our SaaS service provides a high life value from your consumers and low consumer acquisition cost


    Socalytix targets businesses who want to increase consumer loyalty and retention rate. Socalytix is a SAAS platform that enriches their data with behavioral information gathered from the open web and recommends products that fit their consumers.



    Socalytix Profile Interview

    Socalytix Profile Interview Socalytix’s Interview to leading Israeli Insurance newspaper on how it can help to solve insurance fraud. Socalytix Interview


    XRC – Demo Day

    Socalytix Demo Day presentation As a member of XRC Cohort 13, Socalytix promoted in the Demo Day in New York its solutions to the on-line
